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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Few New Updates from the “Breaking Dawn” Set

Pure Bliss
Hanging around the #Twilight #BreakingDawn set now. My timing here wasn’t as great lol. Rob is apprently not at set right now
#Twilight #BreakingDawn set has been fruitless for the fans waiting here today. Some have been here 7+ hrs and NOTHING to see yet.
Just saw #Twilight #BreakingDawn star (the top of his really only) Robert Pattinson leaving set for the night
*top of his HEAD lol
It appears Kristen Dtewart was also on set as her driver was there waiting to pick up after Rob left #Twilight #BreakingDawn
After a relaxing nap…heres a couple tidbits from tonight. after filming Rob & Kristen went back to the trailers to get our of wardrobe
they then started the long & very unenvious task of heading to Squamish right after the shoot. Didnt even stop off 1 last time at the hotel
For the next 2 or more weeks #Twilight #BreakingDawn is up in Squamish.. so dont expect any updates on me from me on it.
@_RPattzFanForum outside of the fact they wrapped at 7 PM, there was NOTHING to report AT ALL. All interior.
There was zero chance of any photos. The truck was pulled up to the door as close as possible & 3 umbrellas covered any angles.

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