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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Check Out Tuesday's Best 'MTV First: Robert Pattinson' Questions From Fans Like You!

Robert Pattinson had better bring his thinking cap when he swings by MTV for his live-stream chat with Josh Horowitz on Friday, March 18. Rob's fans have been sending scads of questions via Twitter for the star of the upcoming film "Water For Elephants," and we've already got so many great ones to choose from.
Yesterday we spotlighted questions from readers regarding everything from RPattz's music career to what piece of memorabilia he'd like to save from the "Breaking Dawn" set.
Tuesday brought even more fascinating and fun inquiries from MTV readers who want to find out things like how Rob felt working with Oscar-winner Christoph Waltz on "Water For Elephants" and how he's preparing for his role in the upcoming "Cosmopolis."
So keep these awesome questions for Rob coming on Twitter—just send them to @MTVNews with the hash tag #AskRob—and maybe we'll post them right here on Hollywood Crush. And don't forget to tune in to MTV at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, March 18, or watch the stream live at
Here are the best #AskRob tweets from readers on Tuesday, March 15:
@mpersonalheroin @mtvnews #AskRob does he has read Don DeLillo Cosmopolis the novel before Cronenbreg offered him the role
@RobertP143 @mtvnews #askrob if he was nervous the first time he acted with Christoph Waltz
@jessi123love @joshuahorowitz #askrob if he would have the courage to host the mtvmovieawards someday.:-)
@DrVivibuff @MTVNews @joshuahorowitz #AskRob Did you watch the twilight auto-tune from the Oscars? Any thoughts???
@kelleechol @mtvnews #askrob Hey, Rob. What's your all-time favorite chick flick that you'll own up to?
Have you asked Rob a question yet?

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