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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hal Holbrook talks about meeting Rob


"And while Holbrook is constantly looking to the past to inform the future, the “Wall Street” actor still has some interesting run-ins with Hollywood up-and-comers. On the set of his upcoming movie, “Water for Elephants,” Holbrook worked alongside everyone’s favorite vampire — teenage heartthrob Robert Pattinson (of the “Twilight” series)."

I was astonished when I met him, because I met him with a couple friends of mine and the minute I looked at him, I said to him, ‘My God, you look like me as a young man,’” Holbrook said. “Everyone who was with me said, ‘Yeah, he really does.’ source

A young Hal Holbrook.
H2OforElephants RPLife

Found this at Twifans  Its Hal and Rob's dad, Richard. 
Well, I always thought Rob looks more like Mum, Clare. :)

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