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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colm Meaney, Rob's 'Bel Ami' Costar, Talks about him


Irish Central The trailer for Robert Pattinson’s film upcoming ‘Bel Ami’ has been released, in which the London born actor plays a young soldier in 1890s Paris. Adapted from the the Guy de Maupassant novel, Pattinson stars alongside Irish actor Colm Meaney.

Meaney, originally from Dublin, spoke about Pattinson’s screaming fans in a Late Late show interview February this year (watch the clip here at 11:20).
In Budapest we were shooting and it was mad really was like what you would imagine was Beatlemania was like,” Meaney said.

No matter where they filmed the Irish actor said there were “screaming girls everywhere” eager to see Pattinson.“We were shooting way out past Heathrow in a big old country house and there were these two, not girls now, women, middle aged women, who for three days were camped at the gate house of this estate. And they camped there for three days in miserable weather hoping to catch a glimpse of him,” Meaney recalled.


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